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Electromagnetic Adventures #3: Permanent magnets... in space!



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  • 00:00-02:12 Introduction
  • 02:12-06:13 A better description of magnets
  • 06:13-09:54 Magnetism and electrons
  • 09:54-16:06 Diamagnetism
  • 16:06-21:06 Paramagnetism
  • 21:06-25:12 Ferromagnetism
  • 25:12-27:44 Conclusion

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External works referenced in this video:
  • [1] STS-134 Launch in HD
  • [2] Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the NASA Image and Video Library
  • [3] Hydrogen Density Plots
  • [4] Diamagnetic Levitation from the High Field Magnet Laboratory at Radboud University
  • [5] NASA ScienceCasts: Finding the Invisible


We created this video for high-school students as a target audience. Therefore, we are using simplified explanations in some situations to make the content more accessible. If you want to dive deeper, you can take a look at the supplementary resources below.

Sources and materials to go further: 
  • [1] The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume II, Chapter 34 The Magnetism of Matter.
  • [2] Physics Reimagined "Paramagnetism and ferromagnetism in solids", Quantum made simple (2021).
  • [3] MinutePhysics "MAGNETS: How Do They Work?" (2013)
  • [4] AMS-02 website, The Magnet
  • [5] NASA Space Station Research, "Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Hits Ten Years of Space Station Research" (2021)
  • [6] Aguilar, M., et al. "The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station: Part I–results from the test flight on the space shuttle." Physics Reports 366.6 (2002): 331-405.
  • [7] Ahlen, S., et al. "An antimatter spectrometer in space." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 350.1-2 (1994): 351-367.